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Ex-Pressure switches for liquid and gaseous media from -1 to 63 bar: Ex-DCM, Ex-DDCM, Ex-DNM, Ex-DNS, Ex-DWR, DCM-, DDCM-, DNM-, DNS-, DWRxxx-513, -563, -574, -575, -576, -577 Ex-Pressure switches for flammable gases from 15...250mbar: Ex-DGM, DGMxxx-513, -563, -574, -575, -576, -577 NEW: IECEx To take account of the constantly increasing requirements on the international explosion protection, Honeywell FEMA has decided to approve the pressure switches in accordance with IECEx. The corresponding certificate can be downloaded from the IECEx Homepage. A copy is also available upon request. NEW ASPECTS OF CERTIFICATION: • Alteration of the named certification body to „IBExU„ • Certification for dust explosion protection (Ex-t) as per EN60079-31 • Expansion of the temperature range from -15 to -20°C • Zone 20 in the sensor for use in permanently dusty atmospheres • Inclusion of Ex-i („intrinsically safe“) as per EN60079-11 A

DCM06 40 mbar 165 mbar 190 mbar 140 mbar DCM025 20 mbar 140 mbar 160 mbar 120 mbar DCM1 40 mbar 240 mbar 280 mbar 200mbar DCM3 0,1 bar 0,65 bar 0,75 bar 0,55bar DCM6 0,15 bar 0,95 bar 1,2 bar 0,8 bar DCM10 0,25 bar 1,6 bar 1,85 bar 1,35bar DCM16 0,3 bar 2,0 bar 2,3 bar 1,7bar DCM25 0,6 bar 4,0 bar 4,6 bar 3,4 bar DCM40 0,9 bar 6,0 bar 6,9 bar 5,1bar DCM63 1,3 bar 8,5 bar 9,8 bar 7,2 bar DNM025 35 mbar 215 mbar 240 mbar 180 mbar VCM095 40 mbar 300 mbar 340 mbar 260mbar VCM101 40 mbar 260 mbar 300 mbar 220 mbar VCM301 20 mbar 100 mbar 120 mbar 80 mbar VNM111 50 mbar 310 mbar 360 mbar 260 mbar



Pressure data in all FEMA documents refers to relative pressure. That is to say, it concerns pressure differentials relative to atmospheric pressure. Overpressures have a positive sign, vacuums a negative sign. Permissible working pressure (maximum permissible pressure) The maximum working pressure is defined as the upper limit at which the operation, switching reliability and water tightness are in no way impaired (for values see Product summary). Bursting pressure (test pressure) Type-tested products undergo a pressure test certified by TÜV affirming that the bursting pressure reaches at least the values mentioned in the Product summary. During the pressure tests the measuring bellows are permanently deformed, but the pressurized parts do not leak or burst. The bursting pressure is usually a multiple of the permissible working pressure. Setting range Pressure range in which the cutoff pressure can be set with the setting spindle.

Pressure data for a pressure switchbased on the example of DWR625: Setting range: 0.5-6 bar Perm. working pressure: 20 bar Bursting pressure: >100 bar

Switching differential The switching differential (hysteresis) is the difference in pressure between the switching point (SP) and the reset point (RSP) of a pressure switch. Switching differential tolerances occur due to tolerances in the microswitches, springs and pressure bellows. Therefore the data in the product summaries always refers to average values. In the case of limiter functions the switching differential has no significance, as one is only interested in the switching point at which cutoff occurs, not the reset point. For a controller function, i. e. in the case of pressure switches used to switch a burner, pump etc. on and off, a pressure switch with an adjustable switching differential should be chosen. The switching frequency of the burner or pump can be varied by changing the switching differentia

Zündschutzart "Druckfeste Kapselung Ex-d" zur Verfügung. Für den Ex-i- Bereich stehen unter dem Oberbegriff "Einfache elektrische Betriebsmittel" verschiedene Druckschalterbaureihen mit Goldkontakt und Ex-i-Ausstattung zur Verfügung.





电子压力开关是通过焊接316l膜片感压,通过压力传感器将物理信号转换成电信号,放大和处理成为标准的模拟量信号输出或者是固态继电器输出。在积淀了近80年的优秀的传统和经验的技术团队中诞生的电子压力开关,是品质一流的一款三合一产品--集液晶压力表,机械压力开关,压力变送器为一体的优质产品。电子压力开关本身具有自诊断功能,并且因为是一体化产品,抗干扰能力和耐震强度大幅提高,这种UE压力开关表盘设计3个按键,可以轻松现场标定。UE 电子压力开关最大的优势是设定值和死区全量程可调,反应速度是智能型变送器的1/6,重复性可达0.1%。.









上海泽鹏科技发展有限公司 | 电话 : 021-3778503 手机 : 17821719638 | 邮箱 : E-mail:zepengtech@163.com | 上海市新龙路311弄宝龙城T6栋507室
  友情链接: 仙童FAIRCHILD 柏勒夫Bellofram | ADI亚德诺芯片 新闻报道:中国北斗导航系统《纽约时报》报道 EX-DNS1 | EX-DNS10 | EX-DNS16
EX-DDCM16 | EX-DDCM1602 6500-FA放大器 | 仙童 | 淘宝网 霍尼韦尔Honeywellfema参加上海工业展进口博览会 EX-DNS16-S | EX-DNS3 | EX-DNS6
EX-DDCM252 | EX-DDCM4 | EX-DGM506 压力开关DDCM1 | 压力开关DDCM6 神钢电机SHINKO市场分析研讨会 EX-DNS06 | EX-DNS06-S | EX-DWR1
EX-DGM506-S | EX-DGM516 | EX-DGM516-S 压力开关DCM1 | 压力开关DCM6 西门子楼宇和工业仪表 | 阿里巴巴 EX-DWR16 | EX-DWR1-S | DWR3
EX-DGM525 | EX-DNM10 | EX-DNM10-S 版权所有@上海泽鹏科技发展有限公司 沪ICP备18041004号-3 EX-DNM63 | EC-DNM63-S | DCM1